Dr Rosemarie Tomolo


BApplSci (ClinSci), MHS (Osteo), GradCertNeonatal & Infant PaedMan

My diverse work is underpinned by a commitment to holistic care and assisting you to live a healthy, fulfilling and pain-free life.

A qualified Osteopath with an initial background in sports injury (especially those related to football), I worked as a head trainer for six years before completing further study in pilates/core stabilisation. This formative training now underpins the majority of my practice providing you with opportunities for effective rehabilitation and long-term recovery.

As a lecturer in Osteopathy at Victoria University, I have a strong passion for and interest in supporting the learning and development of young practitioners. I regularly supervises Osteopathic students as they examine, diagnose and treat patients with a variety of conditions. As a result, I know what skills and approaches are central to the success of a young Osteopath, and enjoy welcoming many of these wonderful, young practitioners to our NWOC practice. I’ve also held previous positions with Endeavour College of Natural Health lecturing in anatomy, physiology and clinical examination.

I have a special interest in Obstetrics and Paediatrics having undergone further study in this area in 2012. Since having children of my own, I’ve been able to combine my extensive professional experience with elements of my personal knowledge and background to provide you with well-rounded, tactful and effective care as a new or expecting parent. My goal is to provide opportunities for education to my clients – especially our wonderful, new parents – and empower you to better understand both yours and your child’s health. I can offer you a wide range of home-based techniques and management strategies so you can give your baby the best possible start to life while also effectively maintaining your own health and wellbeing.

If not in the clinic, you may well find me out at the local gym, dancing, or getting involved in boxing, yoga and cycling. I love my local community and think of our practice as an important element of our community’s collective health.